COVID-19 and Over het IJ Festival
Where the shipping container is already a challenge in itself, current times give even more challenges: keeping a safe 1,5 meter distance between performers and audience, and limiting the possibility of contamination. Over het IJ Festival challenges you to use these restrictions in the search of new forms to create proximity and intimacy with your audience in, around, or on a shipping container, in a safe way without making artistic concessions.
The projects on Over het IJ often have a special focus on the relationship to the audience, because it’s specifically created for a location like installation-performances, one-on-one performances, projects with a small audience in a special setting, audiences as part of the work itself, or audiences that are necessary in the performance of a work. So think freely within the current framework and criteria in which interdisciplinary theater is possible.
Sign Up!
Sign up no later than April 23rd by sending a brief idea outline and resumes of (immediate) collaborators to In this idea outline, pay attention to: the content and theme of your plan, the concept, motivation, style and form, location, audience, publicity and practical matters. You don't have to submit a finished idea yet. A clear starting point and clear urgency as to why you want to make this with us is sufficient for now. If you are selected we will assist you in further developing your idea. If you have any questions, please mail to the above address.
We challenge you to think out of the box while developing your performance. Much more can be done with a shipping container than you might think, even in 2021 in Corona time. In the past, creators have turned the container upside down, in it sawed a hole, climbed it, made it move, or just used it as a private space. For us it is important that the 1.5 meters distance can be guaranteed in, on or around a shipping container. It is up to you to make this possible in your artistic plan.
Check this document, where we explain what we would like to know about your idea!
Examples containers
The dimensions of a standard container: interior dimensions: 5.89 x 2.35 x 2.39, door width: 2.34 x 2.28, capacity: 33.2 m3. A maximum of 15 people can normally fit into a container, within the current restrictions at most 2 people.
However, there are different types of containers such as open side containers (see left image), which allow you to place your audience outside (or vice versa). Or shorter (see middle picture) or longer 40ft containers (see right picture).
Besides the form, we also ask you to relate to the current challenges and themes of this time, the context of the festival and its urban environment: the big and little stories of an ever-changing city. What do you feel you must tell and create nów, on this piece of land, here in this shipping container, and within the context of Over het IJ Festival, the NDSM-werf and Amsterdam-Noord?
Production and Presentation phase
After developing your theatrical concept - with guidance from our artistic and production team - you will start working on its theatrical translation. The actual production phase takes place during the two weeks preceding Over het IJ Festival. During the festival you perform 9 days, on average 8 times a day. While performing, you develop it further, constantly testing its expressive power. Contact with the audience plays an important role in this.
Central questions in the development path
Besides the development trajectory with individual artistic and production support, Over het IJ organizes two workshop afternoons with all the makers. It focuses on a couple of questions: how do you relate to your audience, and how do you - despite the restrictions -create proximity and intimacy in a safe way? How do you relate to the context of the Zeecontainer program and its surroundings (NDSM-werf, the festival, and the city)? What does your performance communicate, which form do you choose, what discipline(s) do you choose, and with whom do you work? You will also research working from the location, the literal shape of the shipping container and what set design means in this small space.
Over het IJ assigns a personal artistic mentor to every maker or group. Producer Elise de Fooij takes care of the practical development and business support. During the montage every maker can call on the technical team. A number of companies and makers who themselves started their careers in a shipping container or elsewhere at Over het IJ Festival will be given a role in providing feedback.
Who should apply?
The Zeecontainer program is for new makers and/or artists who are in the final year of their art education, have recently graduated or have recently started working as independent makers (no longer than 2 years).
Part of the 12 artists that will participate in the Zeecontainer program are nominated by partners in talent development; companies or makers that started with us. The other part of the creators will be selected through this open call.
After the secelection process we expect full participation and commitment to the whole process; from concept development, workshop days with the other creators, individual meetings with supervisors, the making phase and 9 out of 10 play days during the festival.
Finance and production
There is a project budget of at least € 3750 per sea container performance. Together with the producer you will allocate this budget. Over het IJ Festival will provide the basic infrastructure and we will install electricity in the container. Over het IJ Festival also has the necessary basic equipment, such as simple dimmers and sound sets.
Apply till April 23 at the latest
Submit a first idea sketch of maximum three A4 with attached a resume and where possible/necessary visual material via From this we make a first selection of participants.
Workshop 1 Saturday, May 8th 10:00 till 14:00 ( (Save the date)
First workshop morning, at the NDSM-werf or digitally, with the artistic team of the Zeecontainer program; an introduction to the other makers and their plans, the context of the NDSM-werf and working on location. The workshop is an integral part of the whole program.
- Submission of title and publicity text
- Interviews with artistic mentor
- Concept, budget and planning final
- Inventory of scenery, light and sound
Workshop 2 Saturday, June 5, 10.00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. (Save the date)
Second workshop morning at the NDSM-werf with the artistic team of the Zeecontainer program; getting to know the other makers and their plans, the NDSM-werf and working on location, exchanging content and sharing knowledge. The second workshop is a fixed part of the entire program.
From Tuesday, June 29
- Start of theatrical translation of the concept on the NDSM-werf
- Concrete translation into the context of the NDSM-werf: build-up, rehearsal and montage week in your container
Monday, July 5 and Tuesday, July 6 (3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
Try-outs; creators and team view each other's work. Collaborative partners will also be present.
Friday, July 9: Premiere of Zeecontainer program
July 9 - 18: Performing during Over het IJ Festival 2021
Wednesday, July 14, 2:00 p.m.: (Interne) Evaluation with all creators and team
Monday, July 19: Break and financial closing